Welcome to our Q&A spotlight with Bushkin. Explore the inspiration behind 'The Story So Far' documentary and the evolution of BushBash Recordings. Delve into his journey as an artist and entrepreneur, navigating the UK music scene with innovation and authenticity.

1. What inspired you to create 'The Story So Far' documentary, and what do you hope viewers will take away from it?

Firstly thank you for this opportunity it’s greatly appreciated!

The inspiration behind the story so far, is simply that I wanted people to get an insight into the running of a small independent label. I wanted people to see some of the artist I’ve worked with over the years, I wanted them to hear some of the tribulations we’ve Faced but most of all I wanted people to understand the reason I set this label up. Upon leaving the screening, I want viewers to feel uplifted and inspired. I want them to leave on a high knowing what ever they put their mind to they can achieve 

2. As both the director and subject of the documentary, what was the most challenging aspect of balancing your roles during the filming process?

I didn’t Face too many obstacles in the filming process of the documentary. My biggest problem is always knowing that something is about me, but trying to limit how much of myself I put in. I know it sounds crazy, but I’m really conscious of this.

3. Can you share a particularly memorable moment from the making of the documentary that stands out to you?

There were so many great moments making this documentary , but I have to say the one that stands out the most was me and E the Film Maker having a blazing row and in my head I am thinking I could strangle this man but outwardly in real life “I was saying yes thanks I understand” it was at this point, I thought if I don’t be careful we’re not gonna have a documentary (emoji laughing face).

4. How do you believe your experiences with the Heartless Crew have influenced your approach to running BushBash Recordings?

There’s so many ways I believe Heartless Crew has both aided and influenced BushBash Recordings. The obvious one is the amount of time and the valuable lessons I get to experience working within the industry this has been priceless but the main influence has been the empathy and humility I’ve learned. Being a artist within The Heartless Crew I’ve been able to understand the wants and needs of an artist and this in turn has taught me how to meet these needs I now treat all my artists how I would like to be treated 

5. What do you consider to be the defining principles or values of BushBash Recordings, and how do they reflect your personal ethos?

The defining principles of Bushbash Recordings are love, manners, unity respect ,morels ,integrity ,honesty ,vibes and fun all of these principles are an exact mirror of my personal life/ethos.

6. Could you tell us more about the journey of founding BushBash Recordings and the significance of its evolution over the years?

The journey of BBR is interesting as it started out of the success of Heartless Crew but also out of the lack of support for us by the label we were with at the time  The significance of this is that it urged  me to take a risk on something I believed in not only to help myself but to give other artist a better experience of the music industry and of record labels in particular 

7. The documentary seems to emphasize the importance of community and collaboration. How do you see these elements shaping the future of BushBash Recordings?

I’ve always been a firm believer of Teamwork makes the DREAMWORK and this is a theme that’s constantly emphasised throughout the film and displayed in my life/work life. Having a great team where everyone understands their role and plays they’re position is the foundation of any successful group.

8. With the premiere of 'The Story So Far' marking a significant milestone, what do you envision for the future of BushBash Recordings, both artistically and culturally?

Culturally the future of BBR is to continue setting trends and leading this new wave of independent labels ,We will continue being the catalyst for change within in the music business and will be known for truly developing artists and helping them navigate there way through the music industry.

9. As a pioneer in the UK garage and grime scenes, how do you navigate the balance between preserving the genre's roots and pushing boundaries to innovate?

It’s a great question but the truth is I don’t consciously do any of this. I’m just being myself following my heart and doing what I believe in. If you truly follow your heart you will always push boundaries in any walk of life . 

10. Finally, how do you hope your legacy, both as an artist and as the founder of BushBash Recordings, will be remembered in the UK music industry?

As Mc Bushkin I hope to be remembered as a pioneer a innovator and a inspiration, someone who was not afraid to step out and be different I want to be remembered for my vibes energy and stage presence  As BushBash Recordings I hope we are remembered as the UK’s No1 Independent Black Record Label.