The Pit London

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What Light Through Yonder Window Breaks?

MadeByMagic is a well of virgin creativity, yet there is an undeniably distinct thread between all of his tracks. The style and inflections are familiar but there is an evolution in the emotional subject matter with each release. Hybrid Marimba that melts and swells around your headphones and a hypnotic hook are a great beginning formula for a deep listening experience. A joint also helps. That is however certainly not necessary to enjoy this empowering thoughtful bounce. You honestly haven’t ever heard these harmonies before. I am trying not to be an interpreter in my reviews these days, I am now ‘Against Interpretation’ however, the emotional content of ‘Zone’ colours the lyrics in such a way it is like listening to a painting. I started to feel better after I heard the song, and advise it strongly for this rainy Friday. It’ll explode your hot weekend too. Beaut song, onwards forwards MadebyMagic.